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Shipping and Delivery Policy


Shipping and Delivery Policy

At DM Wholesale Services Ltd, we strive to provide efficient shipping and delivery services to our customers. It is important to note that we utilize third-party logistics and delivery partners to fulfill orders. As a result, we want to clarify our stance on shortages and damaged items during the shipping process:

Third-Party Logistics:

DM Wholesale Services Ltd works with trusted third-party logistics and delivery services to ensure timely and secure delivery of orders. While we partner with reputable companies, we do not directly handle the shipping process.


In the rare event of any shortage in your order, DM Wholesale Services Ltd cannot be held responsible. We rely on our logistics partners to accurately pick and pack orders, and any discrepancies are to be addressed with the respective delivery service.

Damaged Items:

Despite our third party’s best efforts to package products securely, there is a possibility of items being damaged during transit. If you receive a damaged item, please document the condition upon delivery and contact the delivery service immediately to file a claim.

Legal Protection:

By utilizing third-party logistics and delivery services, DM Wholesale Services Ltd aims to safeguard itself from legal implications related to shortages and damaged items. Customers are encouraged to review and understand the shipping and delivery policies of their respective delivery services.

Claims Process:

In the event of a shortage or damaged item, customers should directly liaise with the delivery service to report the issue and seek resolution. DM Wholesale Services Ltd will assist in facilitating communication but holds no liability for the outcome of the claims process.

Customer Support:

Our customer support team is available to provide guidance and assistance in contacting the delivery service for any shipping-related issues. Please reach out to us promptly if you encounter any problems with your order delivery.

Review Orders:

We recommend that customers carefully review their orders upon receipt and notify the delivery service immediately of any discrepancies or damages. Timely reporting increases the likelihood of a swift resolution.


Your feedback on the shipping and delivery experience is valuable to us. Please share any concerns or suggestions to help us improve our services and address any recurring issues with our logistics partners.

By placing an order with DM Wholesale Services Ltd, you acknowledge and accept the terms of our shipping and delivery policy, including provisions related to shortages and damaged items. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in adhering to these guidelines.

For any further inquiries or assistance regarding shipping and delivery matters, please contact our customer support team at Thank you for choosing DM Wholesale Services Ltd for your wholesale needs.